Saturday, February 5, 2011

Can waves from Egypt wake Pakistan up ?

A few days ago while taking my morning breakfast at CafĂ© Mazda, I read in newspaper a quote of Pakistani prime minister Yusuf Raza Gillani which said that situation in Egypt or in Tunisia is incomparable with that of Pakistan; reasoning that in contrast Pakistani democracy is restored in peace and all institutions are working to their best. Mr. Gillani’s Q & A session was held after some comments were made by US Vice President Joe Biden last week over the Pakistani situation in US view. Indirectly, Mr. Biden opined that Egyptian revolution is caused by similar turmoil as Pakistan is experiencing and Pakistani government will sure face similar public uprising.  

On the other hand, on 31st January I myself attended a gathering of more or less a million men arranged by the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) in which its chief Altaf Hussain vehemently warned the elite and the government of Pakistan that if Pakistanis are raised against the country’s failed system they can fight for the right in much better way than the Egyptians. MQM is the largest party in the urban Sind and second largest in the province after the ruling Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) of which MQM is a coalition partner in both provincial and federal assemblies. The latest move made by Mr. Altaf Hussain is as an addition to the already going on struggle by country’s majority of politicians against the (PPP) government and its corrupt bureaucracy. There is no doubt that Pakistan is going through her darkest days and her situation at both international and domestic theaters is out of control. The government is corrupt and incompetent and countrymen do not want it to continue anymore. Insecurity, inflation, terrorism, poverty have caused so many regretful incidents and loss of countless human lives. All political parties in the country have expressed their rage and condemned the dishonest hierarchy of Pakistan, however in my personal point of view and of many others, if we look for honest and trustable leadership then regretfully there is hardly any party in Pakistan with such naturally rare things. People of Pakistan are desperate and wait for a miracle to change their fortune.

As far as Joe Biden and his notion are concerned, Egypt is somewhat far more than a match for Pakistan. For thousands of years North Africa has been an international destination. From the Alexander the Great then Julius Caesar to the Arabs, Ottomans, Napoleon Bonaparte, the British and then Nazi Germans under Adolf Hitler, every power in the world’s history vested its utmost to win Cleopatra’s Egypt and to hold her. It’s an ideal venue and one of my personal favorite regions in the world. Strategically, Egypt has a significance of her own; situated at the junction of the Middle East and North Africa and Southern Europe through Alexandria. In other words, together with Libya, Egypt is the heart of Arabia-Africa.

In Pakistan, Egyptian unrest and public revolt against President Hosni Mubarak is seen especially as a lesson to learn. Together with Altaf Hussain’s MQM, more political parties have begun to align together against the government here. The National Assembly sessions are full of discussions and evaluations from the situation in Cairo. Many intellectuals and opposition leaders in Pakistan have expressed their wondering and have questioned the nation that why should not or can not Pakistanis set an example equal or bigger than the Egyptians’ as Pakistan is suffering the worst while their malicious Zardari-led government has become a misery. Gillani’s ridiculous statement that Pakistan has a fully functional democracy and institutional system hence no need of unrest is the latest in a long list of overstatements, lies and bluffs to the Pakistani nation. It is quite pertinent to know that Joe Biden’s statement reflects the official US views about the economic and political situation of Pakistan. Americans have denied Mubarak, their once trusted partner and ally when his rule over Egypt has marked its 30th year. Opposite to independent Egypt’s militant and hostile role since the birth of the her Jewish neighbor Israel in 1948 and more fiercely after the General Jamal Abdul Nasser’s revolution in 1952 and onwards throughout Anwar Sadat government until the famous non-aggression pact was signed in 1979, Hosni Mubarak rule over Egypt has been effected with quietness with Israel under Sadat’s peace treaty of 1979 and eventually reinstatement of Egypt in the Arab League in 1989.

Egyptian uprising is a threat both US and Israel cannot ignore. It can put in danger the whole Middle Eastern peace and of the entire world. Egypt has had a hostile history in the region and a dramatic change can bring her in conflicts with Israel and the Americans once again. US concerns over the situation are very high as they see the strategically most important Middle Eastern partner falling into fundamentalist Islamist powers’ grip. The main tension is internationally known and most influential Muslim Brotherhood Movement already banned in Egypt by Mubarak reign for decades which has just turned active in its explicit role during protests in Cairo these days. The movement allegedly has deep links to several banned Islamist Jihadi organizations not only in Egypt but in Syria, Libya, Sudan, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon; on top is the Al Qaeda of which top and most wanted leader comes from Egyptian origin namely the feared Ayman Muhammad Rabaie al-Zawahiri.   Americans believe that if and when Egypt falls into such group’s control or of any other fundamentalist Muslim movement aiming towards the so called unity of the Arabs or the Muslim World, the whole Middle East would be certainly in flames and subsequently would throw Israel and her interests in the region into danger.

In contrast to the views expressed by the US on February 3rd over Egyptian revolts that US has concerns what is taking place in Cairo and the government and the opposition must immediately negotiate, America fears that losing the longstanding trusted Hosni Mubarak would be unbearable and under a new possible fundamentalist Muslim rule a magnificently supplied Egypt would directly go with political and military stands against US and Israel and can influence other Arab states.  President Barack Obama has stressed upon the peaceful political reforms in Egypt immediately to avoid any violence and loss of human lives. Daily Jerusalem Post reported following on January 28th also,

WASHINGTONThe United States says the situation in Egypt is of "deep concern" and is calling on Egyptian authorities to enact reforms and allow peaceful protests and open communication as anti-government street protests swell.

State Department spokesman PJ Crowley said Friday that Egypt must respect the "fundamental rights" of its people and avoid violence. He also said reform is vital to the country's long-term stability and security, and urged the government to view its people as a partner and not a threat.

So… this is the Egyptian story; and what about us??? Sure America cannot afford to lose Pakistan also as a trusted strategic ally in the South Asia. Though Joe Biden’s comments have sparked a new idea and hope; but there is no way to compare Pakistan with Egypt not by the way Gillani says but by my personal analysis; the crippling fact that unlike the Egyptians we are divided, illiterate, frightened and impractical people without a honest leadership to mobilize us as one entity “Pakistanis”.